Edible flowers (partial list):

This web site will be regularly updated with new information pertaining to the edibles. This is a labor of love and everything takes time to research, grow, harvest and test. I love to play both in the garden and in the kitchen.

Achillea millefolium Achillea millefolium Yarrow
Legend and LoreIn the GardenIn the Kitchen
Allium schoenoprasum Allium schoenoprasum Chives
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Borago officinalis Borago officinalis Borage
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Galium odoratum Galium odoratum Sweet Woodruff
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Lavandula spp Lavandula spp.Lavender
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Myosotis spp Myosotis spp Forget Me Not
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Phlox paniculata Phlox paniculata Phlox
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Rosa spp. Rosa spp. Rose
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Syringa vulgaris Syringa vulgaris Lilac
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Tulipa spp Tulipa spp. Tulips
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Viola ordorata, wittrockiama Viola ordorata, wittrockiama Violets, Johnny Jump Up, Pansies
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen

Other Edibles

Gaultheria procumbens Asclepias syriaca Milkweed, silkweed, petit cochon
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
chenopodium_s.jpg Chenopodium album Lamb’s-Quarters, white goosefoot, wild spinach, fat hen, chou grasLegend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Gaultheria procumbens Cornus canadensis Bunchberry, cracker-berry, dwarf cornel, quatre-temps
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Gaultheria procumbens Gaultheria procumbens Wintergreen, checkerberry, teaberry, thé-des-bois
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Helianthus tuberous Helianthus tuberous Jerusalem artichoke–Sun chokes-Topinambour (French) Girasole (Italian) Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Humulus lupulus Humulus lupulus Hops Asparagus
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Juniperus spp Juniperus spp • Juniper Berries
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Lepidium virginicum Lepidium virginicum Gumbo de crevettes et d’herbes
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Oenothera biennis Oenothera biennis Yellow Evening Primrose, Evening Star, Onagre
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Oxalis spp. Oxalis spp. Wood Sorrel
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Physalis philadelphica or ixocarpa Physalis philadelphica or ixocarpa Ground Cherries
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Physalis philadelphica or ixocarpa Picea spp Spruce, Épinette
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Physalis philadelphica or ixocarpa Plantago major Common Plantain, Broad-leaved Plantain, Lambstongue, Plantain Majeur Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Polygonum cuspidatum Polygonum cuspidatum Japanese Knotweed, Fleece Flower, Canadian Bamboo, Renouée du Japon Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Portulaca oleracea Portulaca oleracea Purslane, Pigweed, Pourpier Gras
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Portulaca oleracea Rhus typhina Sumac, Staghorn Sumac, Sumaq, Vinaigrier
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Rumex acetosella Rumex acetosella Sheep Sorrel, Petite oseille des brebis, Red Sorrel
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Rumex acetosella Sambuccus canadensis Elderberry, Elder, Sureau du Canada
Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen
Tulipa spp Ustilago maydis (fungus) • Mexican Corn Truffle, Corn Smut, Huitlacoche/Cuitlacoche Legend and Lore In the GardenIn the Kitchen